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Pdb Palm Database Converter

카테고리 없음

by flexdinacab1983 2020. 2. 21. 14:29


Pdb database viewerConverter

Pdb Program Database The.pdb filename extension refers to the program database file format authored by Microsoft. The format is used for storing debugging information about executable files and programming libraries or DLL files.

How To Open Pdb File

The pdb format was designed to ease the debugging process of executables and program modules by decoupling the debugging information from the end of the program or class library itself to allow the integrated debugger and linker to access the pdb files directly. It doing so, the PDB format facilitates the stepping into/out of runtime libraries. The format and its internals remain the proprietary asset of Microsoft. Jpg JPEG Image File The.jpg filename extension refers to digital photography files or digital images that are associated with the JPEG file format specification. The joint photographic experts group, or JPEG for short, is a file format from the 'lossy image' class of image formats. Many devices including smartphones with inbuilt cameras and professional digital SLR cameras support the JPEG/Exif file format natively. Such support allow images captured on these devices to be stored directly into the jpg format without conversion.

Efforts towards standardization of the JPEG format first begun in 1992 with ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994.